Anurag Basu’s next to bring Ranbir & Katrina ‘very close’

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,March 18 2010]

They had a rocking time during the making of ‘Ajab Prem Ki Ghajab Kahani’. And now Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif will have a ‘hot time’ for Anurag Basu’s next film… Ok, enough of beating around the bush…

The latest buzz among the grapevines is that Anurag’s next untitled project starring Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif will have some steamy scenes. If one notices, the director had earlier given films like ‘Murder’ and ‘Metro’ which were laced with hot chemistry. Even the soon-to-be-releasing ‘Kites’ boasts of sizzling, intimate scenes between the lead pair.

Hmmm, but remember our Kat had made a stand that she won’t do any lip-locks? Well, sources say that, for a filmmaker like Basu, the actress might change her mind for his film.

Now, people, we have to wait to see what happens next….

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